Oil Tank Safety Guide

Safety always comes first, and this is even more when it comes to your heating oil tank. Any cracks or corrosion may cause leaks and expensive maintenance work, not to mention the need to replace all of your heating oil. Maintaining and inspecting your heating oil tank regularly will assist in prolonging its life and boosting fuel efficiency. In this blog, our oil boiler experts offer their best advice to keep your oil tank safe.

oil tank safety guide

Our guide to keeping your oil tank safe

Check Manufacturer Guidelines

When you get your oil tank installed for the first time, it should come with manufacturer instructions tailored to the model you bought. It is always handy to check the instructions to ensure that everything is set up and working correctly. 

Oil Tank Maintenance

We recommend checking your oil tank at least once a week to look for signs of corrosion, rust or discolouration. You should also look out for any cracks or leaks. 

In addition to your regular boiler servicing, you should request your heating engineer to check the tank. Oil Safe Assured suggests having your tank examined once a year to ensure adequate maintenance by a qualified Oil Safe Assured engineer. 

Locate the Shut-Off Valve

It is always good to know where the shut-off valve is, especially during an emergency. This can be found at the bottom of the oil tank. If you are unsure where the valve on your tank is, give us a call, and we will be happy to help!

Carry out annual servicing 

All heating systems should be serviced at least once a year. This is to help detect any issues with your oil heating system. This should be performed by Oil Safe Assured engineers as they are the only ones qualified to do this. 

Contact an Oil Safe Assured Engineer

At Green and Reliable, our Oil Safe Assured engineers are available throughout Wetherby, York and Harrogate. To book your next oil boiler servicing, call us on 08001182467 or 07717574470.